
The Problem

In today’s world, the love for board games and tabletop RPGs has never been more vibrant. Yet, as our networks expand digitally, finding local, like-minded gamers remains a challenge. Geographic distances, the search for safe and welcoming environments, and the logistical hurdles of organizing game nights cast shadows over the joy of play. For many, the result is a compromise: settling for online simulations that lack the warmth of in-person interactions or, worse, sidelining their gaming passions altogether.

The Solution

Imagine a world where organizing or joining a board game night is as easy as tapping a screen. Where your next gaming adventure is just around the corner, waiting to be discovered. GatherRound makes this vision a reality. Our mobile app bridges the gap between gamers, hosts, and businesses, crafting a vibrant, local gaming ecosystem fueled by passion and trust. From the palm of your hand, access a universe of gaming opportunities, tailored to your interests, skill level, and schedule. GatherRound isn’t just an app; it’s your ticket to rediscover the magic of in-person play.

Tailored to You

GatherRound creates a community that is tailored around appropriate gameplay styles and experience. Players and Hosts have the ability to create their user profiles and add the games they're currently playing and want to try out. The experience picker allows players to self-identify their experience from Dice Novice to Epic Lorekeeper, ensuring that they join events with like-minded players who are likely to have a similar gaming approach and expectations.

The platform recognizes and celebrates the progression of players’ skills and interests. As users move up in ranks from hosting or participating in games, they feel a sense of accomplishment that's visible to not just them, but the community.

With clear indicators of experience, new players can find welcoming environments that cater to learning, while experienced players can find a community that challenges their mastery of complex strategies.

By emphasizing these features, GatherRound not only enhances the user experience but also fosters a strong, engaged, and interconnected community of board game enthusiasts.

Player Experience Levels

Host Experience Levels


🤔 Issue: Users range from beginners to experts, and matching them correctly to events is crucial for enjoyable experiences. Without clear experience indicators, mismatches can occur, leading to frustration.

🚀 Impact: Inaccurate event matching can diminish enjoyment, deter repeat usage, and strain the community dynamic.

Search and Join

Finding the perfect game night is a breeze with the intuitive search feature. I was able to hone in the search process to understand the nuances of what makes a gaming event appealing. By tapping into a rich database of games from Board Game Geek, users can filter by their favorite games, such as the various editions of CATAN shown in the app, ensuring precision in the hunt for their next tabletop adventure. While taking a streamlined approach with the search itself, a player can refine their results even more with dates, tabletop formats, and even languages spoken at the table. It's not just about joining any event; it's about discovering the right match where players can forge lasting memories and friendships. Whether you're looking to settle in for a strategic conquest or trade resources in a friendly gathering, I wanted GatherRound to connect you to your next gaming chapter with just a few taps.


🤔 Issue: Users may experience difficulty locating events that match their specific interests in board games or TTRPGs due to generic or overwhelming search results.

🚀 Impact: A cumbersome search process can lead to user frustration, decreased event participation, and lower overall app satisfaction.

Our Authentic Selves

At the heart of GatherRound lies a steadfast commitment to safety and authenticity. With Stripe's robust verification technologies, we offer peace of mind through a few simple, secure steps: upload a picture of your driver's license, snap a selfie, and verify your phone number. It's about providing certainty that everyone you meet through the app is thoroughly verified, reinforcing trust while maintaining the magic of seamless connections. This verification not only unlocks a world of exclusive events and interactions but also fosters a safer, more reliable community—so you can focus on the fun and strategy of game night with confidence.

GatherRound champions the comfort of home hosting by infusing trust at every level. With the identity verification and transparent player ratings, hosts can open their doors with confidence, knowing exactly who will join the evening's quest. Each member's verified status and community-backed rating lay the foundation for a secure, worry-free environment, not on the uncertainty of welcoming new faces. My mission was to create an experience to ensure that the only surprises during game nights are the unexpected twists in your favorite games.


🤔 Issue: Ensuring the safety and authenticity of a community is paramount, especially when organizing in-person events. There's a need for a robust yet user-friendly verification process.

🚀 Impact: Inadequate verification can lead to security issues, decreased trust, and reduced user engagement or limit people to visiting larger events hosted by businesses, not events out of the comfort of a home.

Project Year: 2024