🛸 Available in the Figma Community 🛸 6,000+ Human Beings Love LottieToGIF🛸 Available in the Figma Community 🛸 6,000+ Human Beings Love LottieToGIF🛸 Available in the Figma Community 🛸 6,000+ Human Beings Love LottieToGIF

LottieToGIF for Figma

LottieToGIF lets you seamlessly convert your Lottie .JSON animations to high quality GIFs for prototyping without interrupting your workflow. You won't need an account and you won't need a subscription. It's a one-time fee for a lifetime license—I don't know about you, but I am so over subscriptions.


Always show your work

There was one goal in mind with LottieToGIF—do it better than LottieFiles. For our example below, we'll be adding a transparent background to our Lottie to make the GIF encoding a bit more chaotic. Transparency always tends to add more artifacting and pixelation.

You'll see the LottieToGIF conversion has a higher framerate, smoother edges, and a reduced file size. But there's always a little bad to the good, you'll notice that the LottieToGIF render has slightly more flickering in the core color mapping.



LottieFiles | 500x500 | 600 KB | Transparent Background


LottieToGIF | 500x500 | 564 KB | Transparent Background

Take a look at what's coming for v2

In v2, we're introducing a streamlined UI and some highly requested features. I've redesigned the UI to align with the Figma UI, be a little more compact to help acommodate those smaller screen sizes, and drum roll please... you'll finally be able to insert your Lottie .JSON file as a .mp4 for even more control in your prototypes.

We've been learning a lot on this journey with our first Figma plugin, we appreciate all of those who have sent their feedback and showed their support buy puchasing LottieToGIF Premium. ❤️



You're seeing that right. You'll be able to insert your Lottie file as a .mp4.